Scientific background
of MetGIS

Since 2005, information on MetGIS has been presented at more than 20 scientific conferences in 15 countries (Austria, Italy, France, Belgium, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Spain, United Kingdom, Canada, Brazil, Chile, India, Nepal, Cuba and Australia). Scientific articles on MetGIS have been published in four languages (English, German, Spanish and French).

These articles and papers are the basis of our APIs and the MetGIS Pro+ weather dashboard. MetGIS has also benefited from collaboration with international research institutes and universities. Below is a list of some articles with information about the scientific background of MetGIS:

  1. Spreitzhofer, G., Norte, F. (2006). Development of a combined geographic and meteorological information system for the Andes region. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Southern Hemisphere Meteorology and Oceanography in Foz do Iguazu, Brasil, April 2006.
  2. Spreitzhofer, G., Norte, F. (2006). Desarrollo de MetGIS, un sistema combinado de información geografica, meteorológica y de cobertura de nieve de alta resolución, para la región andina. Meteorologica 31, 99-108.
  3. Spreitzhofer, G. (2006). Einbindung meteorologischer Information in geographische Informationssysteme. Proceedings of the AGIT 2006 (Symposium und Fachmesse für angewandte Geoinformatik) in Salzburg, Austria, Juli 2006.
  4. Spreitzhofer, G., Steinacker, R. (2007). Employing the MetGIS-System for the production of high-resolution meteorological and snow-related forecasts over alpine terrain. Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Alpine Meteorology in Chambery, France, June 2007.
  5. Spreitzhofer, G. (2007). MetGIS: A high-resolution, geographic-meteorological information system specialized on snow forecasts over alpine terrain. Proceedings of the 14th Congress of the European Avalanche Warning Services in Stary Smokovec, Slovakia, June 2007.
  6. Spreitzhofer, G. (2007). High-resolution mountain weather forecasts using MetGIS, a combined meteorological-geographic information system. Book of abstracts (on CD) of the 8th European Conference on the Applications of Meteorology (ECAM) in San Lorenzo de Escorial, Spain, October 2007.
  7. Spreitzhofer, G., Steinacker, R. (2007). Schneeprognosemodell für den Winterdienst – Optimierung. Final report of research project 3.237 (sponsored by BMVIT and ASFINAG), Vienna, 32 pp.
  8. Spreitzhofer, G., Steinacker, R. (2008). Road weather predictions produced by MetGIS. Proceedings of the 14th International Road Weather Conference in Prague (on CD), Czech Republic, May 2008.
  9. Spreitzhofer, G., Steinacker, R. (2008). MetGIS: High-resolution, web-based graphical weather forecasts for traffic operation managers. Proceedings of the Lakeside Conference (Safety in Mobility) in Klagenfurt, Austria, July 2008.
  10. Spreitzhofer, G. (2008). Customized high-resolution weather forecasts to support polar tourism. In: The Vienna Symposium on Polar Tourism. Schriftenreihe des Instituts für Städtebau, Landschaftsarchitektur und Entwerfen, TU Wien, 42-49.
  11. Spreitzhofer, G. (2008). MetGIS: A new approach to downscale the output of mesoscale meteorological forecast models over the Andes region. Book of abstracts of the 4th EGU Alexander von Humboldt International Conference (The Andes: Challenge for Geosciences) in Santiago de Chile, Chile, November 2008.
  12. Spreitzhofer, G., Steinacker, R. (2008). Schneeprognosemodell für den Winterdienst – Optimierung. BMVIT, Straßenforschung, Heft 577, 39p.
  13. Spreitzhofer, G. (2009). MetGIS – Web Version. Proceedings of the 15th Congress of the European Avalanche Warning Services in Innsbruck, Austria, June 2009 (CD-ROM).
  14. Spreitzhofer, G. (2009): Neues Schneeprognosemodell für den Winterdienst (Zusammenfassung von Straßenforschung – Heft 577). In: FSV-Aktuell – Straße (Mitteilungen der Österreichischen Forschungsgesellschaft Straße – Schiene – Verkehr), Juni 2009, 1-3.
  15. Sperka, S., Spreitzhofer, G. (2009). Verification of MetGIS forecasts for the Alps and the Pyrenees – January 2008 – May 2009. Internal Report, Institute of Meteorology and Geophysics, University of Vienna, 63pp.
  16. Spreitzhofer, G. (2010). High-Resolution Snow Forecasts for Alpine Regions, Applying the MetGIS Technology. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Snow and Avalanches in Manali, India, April 2009.
  17. Spreitzhofer, G., Steinacker, R. (2010). La combinaison des systemes d’informations meteorologiques et geographiques pour ameliorer la precision des previsions routieres. Proceedings of the 13th International Winter Road Congress in Quebec, Canada, February 2010. (Also English version of paper available: Combining meteorological and geographic information systems to increase the capacity of road weather forecasts).
  18. Spreitzhofer, G., Sperka, S. (2011). MetGIS High Resolution Snow Forecasts for the Southern Hemisphere: Recent Upgrades and Performance Checks. Book of Abstracts of the 15th IUGG General Assembly in Melbourne, Australia, 28 June – 7 July 2011.
  19. Spreitzhofer, G. (2011). MetGIS High Resolution Mountain Weather Forecasts for Avalanche Warning Services: Basic Features and Experiences. Book of Abstracts (CD-ROM) of the 16th Meeting of the European Avalanche Warning Services in Grenoble, France, 15-16 September 2011.
  20. Sperka, S., Spreitzhofer, G. (2011). Comparison of Different Verification Approaches for High Resolution NWP Precipitation Forecasts. EMS Annual Meeting Abstracts (11th annual meeting of the European Meteorological Society, 12-16 September 2011, Berlin, Germany), Vol. 8, EMS2011-538. URL:
  21. Sperka, S., Spreitzhofer, G. (2011). Vergleich unterschiedlicher Verifikationsansätze für hochaufgelöste NWP Niederschlagsvorhersagen. Poster abstract in: Proceedings of the 4th Austrian Meteorological Assembly, 3-4 November 2011, Klagenfurt, Austria. URL:
  22. Sperka, S., Spreitzhofer, G. (2012). Estimating 2m Temperature Boundaries from Ensemble Forecasts. Geophysical Research Abstracts (EGU General Assembly, 22-27 April 2012, Vienna, Austria), Vol. 14, EGU2012-9817.
  23. Spreitzhofer, G., Sperka, S. and Steinacker, R. (2012). MetGIS: combination of Meteorological and Geographic Information Systems to produce high resolution mountain weather forecasts. Met. Apps. doi: 10.1002/met.1299.
  24. Sperka, S., Spreitzhofer, G. (2012). MetGIS. In: Forschungsprojekte am Vienna Scientific Cluster, October 2009 bis Mai 2012, Herausgeber: Zentraler Informatikdienst der Universität Wien, Mai 2012. p20.
  25. Spreitzhofer, G., Sperka, S. and Steinacker, R. (2013). MetGIS: combination of Meteorological and Geographic Information Systems to produce high resolution mountain weather forecasts. Meteorological Applications 20, 371-378. URL:
  26. Spreitzhofer, G. (2013). Tecnología para las operaciones de apertura en caminos de alta montaña. In: Proceedings of the international seminar on winter operations in high altitude and extreme zones, Santiago de Chile, Chile, 4-7 June 2013.
  27. Spreitzhofer, G., Sperka, S. (2014). Métodos innovadores para el mejoramiento de la predicción de las condiciones del tiempo en rutas de montaña. In: Proceedings of the 14th International Winter Road Congress, Andorra la Vella, Andorra, 4-7 February 2014.
  28. Spreitzhofer, G. (2014). MetGIS GmbH: Hochdetaillierte Echtzeitvorhersagen für die weltweit bedeutendsten Berggebiete. Bulletin der Österreichischen Meteorologischen Gesellschaft (ÖGM), 2014/1.
  29. Spreitzhofer, G. (2014). Climb every mountain – High altitude weather prediction can reduce accident levels. Meteorological Technology International, Aug. 2014 issue.
  30. Spreitzhofer, G. (2014). MetGIS: Pronósticos meteorológicos de ultra alta resolución para la industria minera. Horizonte Minero 98, 20-22.
  31. Spreitzhofer, G., Sperka, S. (2015). Ultra-high resolution real-time weather predictions for the Himalayas, using MetGIS technologies. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Climate Change Innovation and Resilience for Sustainable Livelihood, Kathmandu, Nepal, 12-14 January 2015.
  32. Spreitzhofer, G. (2015). Hochdetaillierte Echtzeitvorhersagen für Berggebiete. In: Mountain Manager, 07/2015 issue.
  33. Spreitzhofer, G., Sperka, S. (2015). Innovative methods for real-time and ultra high resolution weather predictions over the Andes Mountains. In: Abstracts of the XVI Latin American and Iberian Congress of Societies of Meteorology, Havana, Cuba, 1-4 December 2015.

Dr. Gerald Spreitzhofer


Meteorologe, Entwickler des Designs des MetGIS Prognosesystems
Curriculum vitae

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Mag. Stefan Sperka

Technischer Director

Meteorologe, IT-Experte
Curriculum vitae

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