Perfect weather data for your snow business

Weather solutions for winter tourism

Discover comprehensive weather solutions for winter tourism at MetGIS. Our high-precision weather data is essential for cable car companies, ski resort administrations and tourists. They enable effective risk minimization and increased profits through efficient artificial snow production and personnel planning.

To optimize operations and increase safety, it is possible to use weather data for visitor guidance and combine it with your system.
Our innovative approaches improve slope preparation and snow clearing, significantly enhancing the vacation experience for all guests.

Immerse yourself in the world of optimized winter tourism with MetGIS.

Perfectly prepared slopes for even more slope magic

Optimize snow making for maximum snow reliability

Act with foresight in extreme weather situations

More precise weather data for websites, apps & info screens

Excerpt from satisfied customers:

Better planning, preparation and snowmaking:

Professional solutions for piste magic and enthusiastic vacation guests!

– Optimize daily operations, resource planning & decisions

– From practice for practice: tools for professional requirements

– Fast, highly available API, easy to implement

For precise information and control systems

Professional software tools are increasingly being used for the management of ski resorts and the control of cable cars or slope preparations. Here, precise weather data plays a central role – especially if it can be easily integrated into existing systems via API.

For precise avalanche warnings and better planning of snow clearance

The safety of your guests has top priority: both on and off the slopes. Precise weather information is needed to realistically assess the risk of avalanches, issue timely warnings and carry out the necessary preparations. Better planning of snow clearance also ensures a safe and stress-free arrival and departure for your guests.

For perfectly groomed ski slopes

Even if guests don’t notice: perfect slopes require hard work and a lot of know-how. Reliable weather forecasts can save a lot of time, money and stress. This becomes clear, for example, when heavy snowfall destroys hard work on the slopes in the evening.

For efficient snow production

The warmer and less snowy the winter, the more important efficient snow production becomes. With more accurate forecasts of the wet bulb temperature, it is easier to plan when, where and how much snow can or must be produced. This enables optimal results and improves the ecological balance.



  • Ideal tool for ski resorts, mountain railroads & tourism associations
  • Quick overview: Temperature, weather symbol, short text
  • Organize slope preparation: Fresh snow, precipitation, wind
  • Snowmaking: Wet bulb temperature
  • Use on PC, smartphone or as a printout (PDF)


Artificial intelligence (AI) and weather data

The analysis of historical weather data makes it possible to identify correlations between the weather and a company’s performance. As a result, planning can be improved and the company’s success increased. Use the weather data from MetGIS for your AI application.

Save money in the future with weather data from the past!



Our complete turnkey interactive solution, the MetGIS Pro+ weather dashboard, includes:

  • Zoomable forecast maps in extremely high resolution (up to 30 m)
  • 24/7 online access via your web browser
  • 3-day forecast in the form of weather maps
  • 10-day forecast (forecast tables) for any points on the weather maps, e.g. summits, cable car stations, mountain huts, etc.
  • Temperature, precipitation, fresh snow, wind, cloud cover, sunshine duration, snow conditions, and much more.

Also take a look at our special page “Snow and Winter”. The fresh snow and snow cover maps described there are available both via our MetGIS Pro+ weather dashboard and via the Maps API.

Ideal for websites, apps & info screens:

Convince your users with ultra-precise mountain weather forecasts!

– More accurate forecasts > enthusiastic users > more visits > higher revenues

– Unique selling point thanks to extremely detailed weather layers

– Fast, highly available API, easy to implement

For tourism websites & apps

There are countless websites and apps with weather information. However, most of them are completely interchangeable from the user’s point of view. In addition – especially in the mountains – the quality of the forecasts is often relatively modest.

Impress your users with extremely reliable mountain weather forecasts and high-resolution weather maps and stand out from the competition – for more new and returning users and more revenue.

For info screens & weather cameras

Whether info screens in the hotel, electronic display boards on the ski slopes or the weather panorama: weather forecasts are always an added value – if they are reliable.

With our flexible APIs, you can quickly and easily integrate highly reliable weather data, from temperature and precipitation to extensive special parameters, into your applications.



  • Integrate forecasts exactly for the desired coordinates (up to 30 meter resolution!) into your application
  • Available worldwide, even for the most remote regions
  • Dozens of parameters such as temperature, precipitation, fresh snow, snow line, wet bulb temperature
  • Data in JSON format, highly available, well documented



  • Unique level of detail worldwide
  • Extremely high zoom possible down to individual ski slopes
  • All relevant parameters for winter tourism
  • Tiles (PNG, PBF) and point data (UTFGrid) for easy integration into existing applications and maps

Why professionals rely on metgis

Ultra-precise weather forecasts (up to 30 m resolution)

Instead of conventional, less accurate predictions!

Specially developed & optimized for mountain regions

Thanks to extremely detailed mountain and terrain data!

Best service: faster, more flexible and more reliable

Feel free to compare us with other providers!

Reliable weather forecasts are extremely important for daily operations planning and slope preparation.
That’s why we rely on MetGIS!

MetGIS is better and more accurate than conventional weather forecasts

Contact us

The fastest way to more information

Do you have questions about our services or any other questions, simply fill out the contact form or send us an e-mail.
We also look forward to your call.

    Contact form

    Dr. Gerald Spreitzhofer


    Meteorologe, Entwickler des Designs des MetGIS Prognosesystems
    Curriculum vitae

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    Mag. Stefan Sperka

    Technischer Director

    Meteorologe, IT-Experte
    Curriculum vitae

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